Our Principal, Mr. Boese


Mr. Boese

       Thank you for visiting our web site. As you navigate through, if you have any questions or need further clarification please feel free to email me at sboese@psdschools.org or call 970-488-4150. Please know that we are always open to visitors who would like to simply stop by and take a tour of our facility.

      Here at Bauder, we pride ourselves on simply being a neighborhood school. For us, the educational journey we take with our students is all about building community. We recognize that in an environment of

choice, the idea of “community” many times gets lost. We want our students to grow up together, as neighbors, as friends. We want our students to walk to school together, go to middle school together, and eventually graduate together. We value community building. Our PTO creates events that are community oriented, events that will bring us together and enjoy each other’s families. While we will still have fund raising events, our family community events are typically free or at a low cost so that all can attend.

      What of academics? Yes, academics are a large part of what we do at Bauder, but it is important to emphasize that this is only one part of the educational journey for our children. We value much more than just academics. We value giving students a holistic look at education including art, music, PE, technology, science, and social studies. When we think of community, we also think of a community of opportunities for children. Preparing students for a future where most of the jobs they will be working haven’t even been invented yet, is a compelling challenge for us as educators. Math and literacy aren’t enough.

      We want our students to be creative and inventive. We want to give our students opportunities to work in team situations and solve problems. We want them to see how academics are not stand-alone subjects but how they are integrated. Technology becomes a tool, not a subject. It is woven into a variety of areas that enhance student learning.

      There are many other things we embrace here at Bauder including: wellness, character, student voice, and giving student enrichment opportunities. Most of all however, is the embracing of community. Here at Bauder, as we prepare students for the 21st century, we know it takes more than just a village to raise a child. It takes a community. Welcome to the Bauder Community.

Stephen Boese

Principal, Bauder Elementary

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.