In first grade, your child can expect to…
- Grow!
- Develop a love of learning
- Read (words and comprehension)
- Write (narrative and expositive paragraphs)
- Math
- Number sense
- Computation
- Reasoning
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Money
- Analog clock
- Develop social skills (learning to be kind, conflict resolution)
- Become more self-aware
- Encourage and build self-esteem
- Understand their student role (What does being a student look like?)
Elements of our program include…
- 21st Century Skills
- National Geographic "Reach for Reading"
- Envision Math
- TCI & Standards for Social Studies and Science
- Art, Music, P.E., and Technology every week
- Focus on wellness (brain breaks, universal breakfast, encouraging movement, Project Smile)
Students Can Look Forward to…
- Small group instruction to meet their needs
- A chance to build relationships with peers and adults
- Field Trip to the Denver Zoo
- School wide activities (Walk-a-thon, Curriculum Nights, Field Day)